by Hanna Sathiapal | Apr 22, 2020
Unsupervised Deep Learning in Computer Vision MSE | P8 und P9 Forschungsprojektarbeiten in der MRU Computer Science / Fachgebiet ICT Ausgangslage Der Bereich Computer Vision beschäftigt sich damit, die Sehfähigkeiten von Menschen mit Algorithmen nachzubilden....
by Hanna Sathiapal | Apr 22, 2020
Big Data Streaming on the Web MSE | Research projects in the MRU Computer Science Introduction Scientific instruments are probably most ahead indata production, but paradoxically it is not clear how to deal with these data once they are archived. For instance, the...
by Hanna Sathiapal | Apr 22, 2020
X-ray image processing software for SMILE data MSE | Research projects in the MRU Computer Science Introduction The SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) mission is a joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese...