by Hanna Sathiapal | Mar 14, 2019
STIX Spectrometer Telescope for Imaging X-rays STIX is on its way to the Sun on board the European Space Agency’s spacecraft Solar Orbiter. VISIT THE FULL STIX PROJECT SITE ROLE OF THE INSTITUTE FOR DATA SCIENCE > Project lead > Instrument design and...
by Hanna Sathiapal | May 6, 2017
NuSTAR Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray NASA’s small explorer satellite NuSTAR was built to observe various X-ray emitting astrophysical objects in the sky. However, it can also be pointed to the Sun, enabling research in high-energy heliophysics. VISIT PROJECT...
by Hanna Sathiapal | May 5, 2017
VLA-Flares This research project uses data from the Jansky Very Large Array radio telescope in New Mexico to study particle acceleration and transport in solar flares and associated solar eruptions. ROLE OF THE INSTITUTE FOR DATA SCIENCE > Project lead > Public...
by Hanna Sathiapal | Apr 30, 2017
RHESSI Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager The X-ray telescope orbits the earth since 2002, delivering data until 2018. RHESSI is the precursor of the STIX X-ray telescope. VISIT PROJECT SITE ROLE OF THE INSTITUTE FOR DATA SCIENCE > Data...
by Hanna Sathiapal | Apr 23, 2017
FLARECAST Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption Forecasting The fully automated system for predicting solar flares and space weather VISIT PROJECT SITE ROLE OF THE INSTITUTE FOR DATA SCIENCE > Computer science: software architecture, machine learning, algorithms...