Institute for Data Science – Astroinformatics and Heliophysics Group
Bahnhofstrasse 5, Section 52A
CH-5210 Windisch
Postal address
Institute for Data Science I4DS
School of Computer Science FHNW
Bahnhofstrasse 6
CH-5210 Windisch
André Csillaghy
Head of the Institute for Data Science I4DS
Email: andre.csillaghy(at)
Tel.: +41 56 202 76 85
Head of the Institute for Data Science I4DS
Email: andre.csillaghy(at)
Tel.: +41 56 202 76 85
Säm Krucker
Lead Heliophysics Group
Principal Investigator STIX X-ray telescope
Email: samuel.krucker(at)
Tel.: +41 56 202 77 04
Lead Heliophysics Group
Principal Investigator STIX X-ray telescope
Email: samuel.krucker(at)
Tel.: +41 56 202 77 04
Martin Melchior
Deputy Head Institute for Data Science I4DS
Lead Astroinformatics Group
Email: martin.melchior(at)
Tel.: ++41 56 202 77 07
Deputy Head Institute for Data Science I4DS
Lead Astroinformatics Group
Email: martin.melchior(at)
Tel.: ++41 56 202 77 07
Katja Lapadula
Executive Officer Institute for Data Science I4DS and Institute for Interactive Technologies IIT
Email: katja.lapadula(at)
Tel.: +41 56 202 76 98